The Booster Club us currently looking for nominations (March) and new members (April). See below for details on available committees and positions.
Next meeting is Tuesday, March 14th at 6:00pm at CDHS
* All parents are members of the Booster Club. The Club nominates a board annually. Nominations/votes take place in March and new board shadows/takes over in April.
CURRENT 2016-2017 Board
**President: Greg Koussis (Junior Parent)
**Vice President: Karen Koussis (Junior Parent)
Treasurer: Joan Kime (Junior parent)
Secretary: Tammy Hillman (Sophomore Parent)
Members at large: Steve Haas (Junior Parent)
** Currently serving last term **
Alumni Committee
No of people: Varies
Time Frame: Once Annually
Current Chairperson(s): Jim and Sharon Larkin (
Description: Facilitate an alumni game/event once time per year in coordination with Coach Miller.
Away Game Meal Committee
No of people: 1-2
Time Frame: Spring
Current Chairperson(s): Jenn Masters, Joan Kime, and Robin Yingling (Sophomore, Junior, & Senior Parents) (;,
Description: Parent(s) to coordinate and assemble bagged meals for most away games for each player/coach/helper.
Community Service Committee
No of people: Varies
Time Frame: Year Round
*Current Chairperson(s): Denean Bressi (Junior Parent) (
Description: Research, plan and coordinate community service activities for players. Generally, the planned activities occur September thru February and are approved by Coaching staff. All players are encouraged to participate and hours can be used towards other community service needs.
*Needs new Chairperson*
Concession Stand Committee
No of people: MANY
Time Frame: Spring
**Current Chairperson(s): Brenda and Mike Mayberry (Junior parents) (
Description: The Concession Stand is a significant source of revenue for the team. Concession stand is at every home game at CDHS or Landis Field. All parents are required to staff at least one shift at the concession stand. Staffing will be assigned by chairperson. Chairperson(s) are responsible for purchasing food/drink items, coordinating donations of hot food items, assigning volunteers, setting up prior to first game and cleaning up after second game.
** Currently serving last term – needs new chairperson**
End of Year Banquet Committee
No of people: Varies
Time Frame: Spring
Current Chairperson(s): Sue Oswald and Jodi Tyndale (Freshman/Junior parents) (
Description: Party for all players and their families at a local park or players home. Must reserve venue, order main course, set up, and clean up. Club donates main course and parents are asked to donate sides/drinks/paper products. is very useful for this event. Gifts for the seniors, coaches, and others involved in the program are discussed, ordered, and given out at this picnic.
Fundraising Committee
No of people: Varies
Time Frame: Year Round
**Current Chairperson(s): Coach Miller and Booster Board Members
Description: This committee of lacrosse parents meets to discuss fundraising ideas. Members are encouraged to help with activities as they arise as well as participate in other committee events.
**Needs Chairperson**
Giant Gift Card Committee
No of people: 1
Time Frame: During season and pre-season activities
Current Chairperson(s): David and Kimberly Hohenshelt (Freshman/Junior parents) (
Description: Monthly, after verifying with Booster Club Treasurer, email a request to Giant Headquarters for Gift Card. Orders are mailed to your home and you distribute cards. Checks/cash is provided to Booster Club Treasurer for deposit.
Graphics Committee
No of People: 1-2
Time Frame: Spring
Current Chairperson: Jill Tenny (Senior Parent) (
Description: Coordinates/designs graphics for programs, fundraising calendars, team banners, senior night and various other activities.
Scholarship Committee
No of people: 3-4
Time Frame: Spring
**Current Chairperson(s): Deb Stover (Junior Parent) (
Description: Coordinates monetary donation amount with Booster Club; presents guidelines and application to all senior players; committee reviews applications and makes recommendation for recipient(s) based on rubric provided. No senior parents can be involved with this committee.
**Currently serving last term - needs new Chairperson*
Senior Day Committee
No of people: Varies
Time Frame: Spring
Current Chairperson(s): Tammy Hillman/Jill Glass (Sophomore Parents) (;
Description: Senior lacrosse players and parents are introduced and honored at a Landis Field home game prior to the start of Varsity game. Preparation includes creating and distributing questionnaire to the seniors, small gifts for the parents, photographer, creating a Senior Day Brochure and coordinating food for celebration. Chairperson must be an underclassman parent.
Spirit Wear Committee
No of people: 1-2
Time Frame: Spring and Fall
**Current Chairperson(s): Coach Bob Miller
Description: CD Lacrosse Spirit Wear sales typically take place in Fall and Spring. Committee facilitates purchase and delivery of items. Sometimes sales are coordinated with CD Junior Lacrosse Club.
**Needs Chaiperson**
Sub/Sandwich Sale Committee
No of people: 1-2
Time Frame: Fall and Spring
*Current Chairperson(s): Kelly Gerard (Junior Parent) (
Description: Sub/Sandwich delivery coordinated with practice/game schedules.
*Needs new Chairperson*
Varsity and JV Team Dinner Committee
No of people: All Families
Time Frame: Spring
Current Chairperson(s): All Families
Description: Team dinners hosted by Varsity and JV families several times during season. All families contribute food but one or more families host/facilitate event. Usually held night before big game. Coaches and other volunteer staff invited to events.
Youth Night Committee
No of people: Varies
Time Frame: Spring
Current Chairperson(s): Bill Shuey (Freshman Parent) (
Description: Players from CD Junior Lacrosse are invited to attend a home and participate in a youth half time game. Other activities in past have included a 50/50 raffle, food collection for a food bank/home, cotton candy sales, spirit wear sales, instructional clinics, etc.