Tuesday, March 19, 2019
The 2019 Central Dauphin Boys Lacrosse Poster Sale will take place this week with orders due no later than, Monday 3/25/19. Please complete the attached form (LINK) and return with payment to Cathy/Jeff Kolakowski OR email the form to cathy.kolakowski@yahoo.com and complete payment through VENMO. Bottom portion of form must be completed and returned for proper tracking of orders.
Each poster is 13 x 19 and will include your individual player or the team picture. Mark clearly on the form the quantity of individual and/or team posters you are ordering. These posters can be sold to businesses, organizations, family, etc. and are $20 each.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Cathy Kolakowski at 717-877-1088 or
DUE DATE FOR ALL POSTER ORDERS - Monday, March 25, 2019